We offer comprehensive care for horses in all walks of life, from newborn foal to competitive athlete to retired senior.
L-R: Dr.s Buchholz, Levine, Lin, Weaver, Blauner
These services include:
Nothing is more stressful than having a health crisis with your horse. We offer emergency services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to our established clients. Horses must be seen by one of our veterinarians for vaccines and a wellness exam at least once a year to be eligible for emergency services. A veterinarian is always available for phone consultation or farm call by calling 610-584-6000.
Comprehensive lameness evaluations are performed using diagnostic tools such as regional and intra-articular anesthesia, digital radiography, digital ultrasound, and the veterinarian’s skilled experience in evaluating equine anatomy and gait. We offer extra-corporeal shock wave therapy, platelet-rich plasma and IRAP Therapy for the treatment of a variety of musculoskeletal injuries. We are skilled with various intra-articular and whole body therapies that can keep your equine athletes at the top of their game.
Pre-purchase examinations are a valuable tool for clients considering the purchase of a new horse. The pre-purchase examination consists of a complete physical examination, evaluation of conformation, gait and soundness and of the horse’s potential serviceability. Radiography, ultrasonography, endoscopy, drug screening and other types of testing are all tools that are available to aid in the evaluation of the potential purchase.
Ultrasound Guided Neck Injection
Digital radiography and ultrasound allow us to obtain high quality images of bony and soft tissue structures including joints, bursae, articular facets and more. They can be viewed and manipulated on a computer screen which allows us to effectively diagnose a wide variety of injuries and conditions. We can create a digital record of images for referral or specialist consultation and we can e-mail the results anywhere.
We offer equine acupuncture. This ancient technique can be utilized to treat a multitude of diseases, performance or lameness issues or just for the maintenance of your horse’s overall health and well being.
Shockwave therapy is utilized for the management of chronic pain and lameness caused by a variety of musculoskeletal disorders. Once a problem has been identified, high energy sound waves called shockwaves can be delivered to that location. The reported effects of shockwave therapy include enhancing nutrient delivery by increasing the blood supply to the injury, stimulating specific cell types known to rebuild soft tissue and bone, promoting a local immune response and directing a more linear pattern of fiber healing in tendons and ligaments.
Additional therapies available at the farm include platelet rich plasma and IRAP therapies. Both of these injectable therapies are derived from the patient and can be used to promote healing in joints, tendons and ligaments.
Our veterinarians are experienced with preparing mares for breeding, artificial insemination, maintaining and monitoring healthy pregnancies, foaling and post-foaling care of the mare and her new baby.
Caring for the senior horse presents unique challenges. We offer enhanced examinations and testing tailored to the older equine. This includes specialized nutritional counseling, endocrine testing and therapies, geriatric bloodwork and much more.